About imageAbout image
Hi I'm Nat!
I have been a Veterinary Nurse in small animal practices for the past 17 years and I am the Operations Manager at 9 Lives Cat Rescue.
I see so many animals come into vet clinics for procedures that can cause them to become very anxious and stressed. Many of these could be done at home where pets feel more comfortable.
I aim to provide services to you and your animal companions at home to reduce both their stress and yours at an affordable cost.

My qualifications/Special Interests include:

- Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing
- Registered with the Veterinary Surgeons Board of WA
- Registered microchip implanter with the Australasian Animal Registry
- Feline health/care
- Cat Grooming Education with Lexie - Various courses
- Bach Flower Remedies for Animals - with Dr Claire Middle
- Operations Manager of 9 Lives Cat Rescue

Just SMS 0409587240 to make an appointment and I look forward to meeting you!

You can also find me on Facebook!
