By booking your pet in for any of the services listed you agree to the following:

Cancellation Policy
You understand that an appointment has been made at a designated time for your pet and that 24 hours notice must be given for the cancellation of this appointment or a $20 fee will be incurred unless the appointment is rebooked within 1 week of the initial booking. 
Fee Estimation

Costs may change at the nurses discretion. This may be dependant on time needed to complete procedures and the degree of matting pertaining to cat grooms.

Call Out Fees
If pets don't allow a procedure/groom to be performed a call out fee of $20-$30 will apply (fee dependant on the service that was booked and time scheduled for this). This is to cover my time and travel costs for the appointment.

Risks Associated with Grooming
You understand that the staff of vet Nurse Care at Home will apply every care and attention to your pets grooming, and that the shaving process may uncover existing skin complaints, and that close shaving can cause grazing, clipper rash, nicking, skin, eye irritation, cats can be at high risk of skin injuries and grooming stress.
We will try our best to avoid these from occurring but they can be a normal occurrence of grooming, especially cats.
You give permission for the groomers to administer first aid for small grazes, nicks and skin tears as leaving them may cause further injury. You understand that if this may occur, it may be due to your pets coat condition, skin or behaviour and that all costs associated for treatment is you responsibility and it is up to you to seek veterinary advice.
You have given all health concerns to the groomer and the groomers are not liable for any pre-existing health conditions that may show during or after the groom. Grooming of cats can cause stress on their kidneys, heart and other organs which can result in death. This is very rare but you are informed that there is a risk and if the groomers deem it necessary to stop then that is in the best interest of the pet.
You understand that if you want to help the groomer with your pets grooming that you may be bitten or scratched and that the groomer is not liable for any damages to me or the pet.
You understand that the grooming result of your pet is dependant on their coat condition and behaviour and it is your decision to have them groomed.

Risks Associated with Nail Clipping and Anal Gland Expressions

You understand that your pet may not allow the procedure to occur and that it is at the nurses discretion to stop the procedure to avoid undue stress/injury to your pet.
You agree that if you wish to assist the nurse in your pets procedure that you may be bitten, scratched or injured some other way and that the nurse is not liable for any injuries sustained.
While the nurse does everything possible to avoid injury to your pet, nail clipping can result in nail quicks and paw pads being nicked and anal gland sacks can be burst. you understand that if this may occur, it can be due to your pet having a pre-existing condition previously unknown or your pets behaviour and that all costs associated for any further treatment needed is your responsibility and it is up to you to seek veterinary advice.
You have given all health concerns to the nurse and the nurse is not liable for any pre-existing health conditions that may show during or after their procedures.

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